Saturday, March 6, 2010

A few web text publishing techniques I’ve found

     If you have ever been browsing the internet doing research or looking anything up at all, you will likely find several sites that are “lacking”. Many sites use bad English to start, but even bigger than that, you will find that many of these sites are just boring; they don’t catch your attention. They don’t pull you in the way you might expect from a site that should be teaching you new things. In this posting, I am going to go over a few different techniques that might be useful to you in your web publishing that I have found through my own research on the web:
     First off, write the way you would talk. No one wants to read a monolog; it’s just boring. Be yourself, write naturally, and the reader will feel more natural reading it (Writing Well for the Web).
     Second, don’t be too wordy. The problem is that, yes you wrote in your own words, but most people have the tendency to talk too much. Get your point out then shut up! It doesn’t take a lot to say what you mean (Writing Well for the Web).
     Third, people don’t want to read a textbook, they want to skim and get it over with. Write in “bite-size” chunks so they can skim and get what they need (Writing Well for the Web).
Fourth, you’ve heard it, KISS, keep it simple, stupid. Some people just aren’t as smart as you! Keep it simple so you can address any audience who may come by your web page. If you use big words and phrases that only you and a select few others are familiar with, you’ve handicapped your site.
     Finally, Write about something that interests you! If it interests you, that will show through and it will interest your site visitors. The more passionate a person is about a subject, the more passionate the readers will become. Passion is conveyed through the message.
     I hope that some of these techniques help you and give you more success as you find your way in the world of web development!

Works Cited
Writing Well for the Web. 7 December 1996. 6 March 2010 .


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