Sunday, February 21, 2010

Some CSS tutorials...

The first CSS tutorial I’ve found is
It gives step-by-step directions on how to perform the various functions of CSS. Easy to use and easy to find what you need.

The second is
A very basic tutorial on CSS but it sends the user in a good direction.

The third is
It is not so much a tutorial as it is a site that gives you some cool tips and techniques for CSS.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Web Research

The first site I've found in my search for a decent XHTML tutorial is This tutorial is geared toward a person who has never written a website of any sort. If someone wanted to know how to write very basic web pages, I would send them here. This tutorial taught me first how to show a hyphen by using the &shy attribue and it also elaborated on the pre tag, which is one I have not used much in my web development.
The second site I found is This is kind of a cool site geared toward beginners. It goes through XHTML almost like a text book. It gives the history, the how-to, and details on each step. I would definitely recommend this site to a beginning web developer. This site taught me both how to validate an XHTML document and also taught me modularization.